

For Debian (version 10 “Buster” or later) and Ubuntu (version 18.04 or later):

sudo apt install \
    git cmake gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf libc6-dev-armhf-cross gdb-multiarch \
    python3-pyqt5 python3-construct python3-flask-restful python3-jsonschema \
    python3-mnemonic python3-pil python3-pyelftools python3-requests \
    qemu-user-static libvncserver-dev

Please note that VNC support (the libvncserver-dev package), although necessary for a Python installation, is optional when building only the launcher (see below).

Build & install

Easiest way to build & install Speculos is with pip. It will not only compile the launcher, but will also install the Python package wrapped around it, which includes the high-level Speculos entrypoint, used (for instance) in the Ragger framework.

Following command ought to be executed into a Python virtualenv, else admin rights will be necessary.

pip install .

Building the Speculos launcher only


cmake -B build/ -S .
make -C build/

Please note that the first build can take some time because a tarball of OpenSSL is downloaded (the integrity of the downloaded tarball is checked) before being built. Further invocations of make skip this step.

The following command line can be used for a debug build:

cmake -B build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -S .

VNC support (optional)

Pass the WITH_VNC option to CMake:

cmake -B build/ -DWITH_VNC=1 -S .