Automation: press buttons automatically

The --automation argument allows to apply a set of actions (eg. button press) when a condition is met (usually some text is displayed on the screen). It is especially useful to automate app testing.

A JSON file is expected (either a JSON document or a path prefixed by file:).


Rules are a list of rules. Each rule is a dictionary with the following valid keys:

  • text: expected text (string)
  • regexp: regular expression matching the expected text (string)
  • x: x-coordinate of the text (int)
  • y: y-coordinate of the text (int)
  • conditions: list of conditions, described below
  • actions: list of actions, described below

Each key is optional.


4 actions are available:

  • [ "button", num, pressed ]: press (pressed=true) or release (pressed=false) a button (num=1 for left, num=2 for right)
  • [ "finger", x, y, touched ]: touch (touched=true) or release (touched=false) the screen (x and y coordinates)
  • [ "setbool", varname, value ]: set a variable whose name is varname to a boolean value (either true or false)
  • [ "exit" ]: exit speculos

The actions of a rule are executed if and only if each rule option matches. These actions are applied successively according to the ordering of the actions list.

The actions of the first rule matched are applied. Further matching rules are discarded (it allows to implement a default rule).


Conditions are a list of variables of tuple (varname, value) where varname is a variable name and value a boolean. These variables are set by the setbool action and by default an unset variable is equal to false.

If a non-empty conditions list is specified in the rule, each condition should be met (as well as the other options) to allow the actions to be applied.


As an example, one can consider the following automation JSON file:

    "version": 1,
    "rules": [
            "text": "Application",
            "x": 35,
            "y": 3,
            "conditions": [
                [ "seen", false ]
            "actions": [
                [ "button", 2, true ],
                [ "button", 2, false ],
                [ "setbool", "seen", true ]
            "regexp": "\\d+",
            "actions": [
                [ "exit" ]
            "actions": [
                [ "setbool", "default_match", true ]

The first rule matches only if:

  • the text displayed at (35, 3) is Application
  • this rule was never matched before (because the variable seen is set to true in the actions and expected to be false in the conditions)

If the first rule is matched, the right button (2) is pressed then released (true then false) and the variable seen is set to true.

The second rules matches if the text is a number (regular expression \d+) displayed at any coordinates (no x nor y specified). The action exit makes speculos exit without any confirmation.

The last rule is a default rule (there are no options). If no previous rule is matched, the variable default_match is set to true.